Depending on what type of siding you have on your shed, you may want to use a pressure or power washer occasionally to clean off your shed’s siding. Hard rain can splatter mud on the lower sides of the shed. After a mowing, grass clippings can also stick to the siding.
Some of that green slimy stuff can start crawling up from the bottom. Of course, there are the occasional spider webs and other bug-related debris that can accumulate under the eaves. A good washer can get rid of all these things without having to drag out a ladder for the upper part.
If your shed is not too tall, you may even want to use the washer to get some of the leaves or pine needles off your roof. A metal roof lends itself well to a good wash, and you may or may not have to actually get on the roof to do it.
A Dewalt pressure washer is great for washing down the sides of the shed, or even washing the floor if you have a floor that can be washed, and you don’t have too much stuff stacked on it. Even the best outdoor equipment will sometimes leave a messy oil stain on the floor, and sometimes you just have one of those days when something spills in the shed.
Another choice would be the Dewalt power washer. These are cordless, enabling you to move around easily. This would be great for washing debris off your shed roof when it’s needed.
Is the Dewalt Pressure Washer the Same as The Dewalt Power Washer?
These two products are not the same. People use the terms power washer and pressure washer interchangeably at times, but the two DeWalt products are different. The pressure washer line features a powerful pump, powered either by gasoline or electricity, while the power washer is a tool that can hook up to a hose and delivers water under power but is less powerful than the pressure washer.
Power Washer – The power washer, also called a power cleaner, is a handheld tool that you can hook up to a garden hose. It’s powered by Dewalt’s 20v battery, the same battery that fits other tools in their line. It delivers up to ten times the power of the garden hose.
The power washer comes either just with the tool itself or in a kit that includes the 20v battery and the charger. If you already have a 20v Dewalt tool, the power washer will use the same battery. Either choice features extras such as a suction hose that enables the user to draw water from other sources if a garden hose is not available.
There are also different nozzles and a long wand. A soap bottle is included to enable you to really wash down items and rinse them afterward. It’s great for washing vehicles without having to move the washer cart around to get to every side.
Pressure Washer – The pressure washers come with a pump mounted on a cart featuring two wheels to enable to user to easily get it where it’s needed. The cart also holds the spray wand and hose that runs from the pump to the wand. These come in several models, some powered by electric motors and some with gasoline engines.
They also come in models designed for residential use and those designed for professional uses. The residential group includes models that will deliver anywhere from 1200 to 3000 PSI of pressure. The various professional models will deliver up to 4400 PSI.
The higher-pressure washers typically come with a steel-braided hose to withstand the water pressures, while those with lower pressure limits are equipped with kink-resistant hoses. Various nozzles to enable use on different types of jobs are included. The spray gun that comes with each is ergonomically designed for comfort and good control.
These models feature pneumatic tires for easy travel over rough terrain. They all have designated holders for both the wand and the hose. Some come with detergent tanks for those tasks that require a good cleaning and rinsing. You’ll usually find that the washers that deliver the higher pressures are gasoline-powered models.
What is the Best PSI For a Pressure Washer?
If you’re tired of scrubbing that green stuff off your sidewalks or patio, and your lawn furniture looks like it needs a good bath, you may well decide to look at getting a pressure washer. If you’ve never owned a pressure washer, you may be surprised at the choices you have at your disposal when you go shopping.
One of the most important considerations is PSI rating, or pounds per square inch. This tells you how powerful the washer is and how strong the water pressure will be. The stronger the bond between the object to be washed and the stain that needs to be removed, the more pressure it will take to get the stain off.
If you’re only going to use your pressure washer for lighter jobs, such as cleaning patio furniture and sidewalks, you can probably use a pressure washer rated at 1500-2000 PSI. For your vehicles, fences, decks and patios, driveways, siding and your garage floor, you’ll probably need a little more strength, so a washer rated at 2000 PSI or above is what’s needed.
Most people buy a pressure washer because they find they have quite a few different jobs that can use it. If you aren’t sure what strength to buy, ask your supplier. Describe what you’ll use it for, and he can help you choose the right one.
Warranty is another thing to consider. The different models come with varying length warranties, so be sure to ask about these. Below are a few of the many models available and their uses.
1] Dewalt Pressure Washer 3400 psi – This is a professional gas-powered model featuring a Honda engine. It’s rated at delivering 2.5 gallons per minute. It’s good for cleaning patios, decks, driveways, sidewalks, exterior siding and brick. It’s also great for cleaning your vehicles and your boat. It will get old peeling paint off easily when you’re planning to repaint your shed. It’s even good for removing graffiti.
2] Dewalt Pressure Washer 3600 psi – This model is also rated for professional use, and features a 196cc Honda gas-powered engine. It also has a flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute. It includes five different nozzle tips that are easy to remove and put on and 25 feet of reinforced hose.
It has a shutdown feature that will shut the product down when the oil level gets too low, keeping the engine from being harmed. Oil is even included with the washer. There are actually two models available in this PSI rating. They are also good for cleaning your deck, patio, walkways, driveways and garage floor. They are great for either home or shop use and are useful in commercial property management.
3] Dewalt Pressure Washer 4000 psi – Another gas-powered model with a Honda engine, this washer delivers 3.5 gallons of water per minute. It includes five nozzle tips, a 50 ft. reinforced hose, and features a 1.4 gal. fuel tank for long jobs. It even features a quick start guide with diagrams right on the washer itself. It’s good for cleaning decks and patios, driveways and sidewalks, restoring wood, preparing for a paint job, removing graffiti, and many other cleaning projects. In a hurry? Check out Amazon’s full line of pressure washers here.
How to Choose a Dewalt Pressure Washer
When choosing a pressure washer, you most likely have at least a few different jobs for it in mind. You want to make sure that the washer you choose will handle all your jobs without spending more than you need.
First of all, you will need to learn a few terms and what they mean. Pressure washers will list the model’s PSI. This is the water pressure that the washer will deliver expressed in Pounds per Square Inch. The tougher the offending stain is to remove, the more PSI you’ll need to remove it on any particular project.
GPM or Gallons Per Minute measures the water flow. This term means that the higher the water flow, the more water will flow out of the machine, and the more area you can cover. A higher GPM machine will shorten the job, as it will clean more area more quickly. If you are planning a big job, such as washing the siding on your shed, this term is something to keep in mind.
You may also see a rating for CU or Cleaning Units. This measurement is figured by multiplying the PSI by the GPM. The higher the number, the more area it can cover in the same length of time, and the more quickly it can do the jobs. This is also something to consider if you’ll have big jobs for your washer to do.
Water Temperature – Most pressure washers only handle cold water, but there are models which can run water that is hot. These are the more heavy-duty models that include heaters and may have the option to deliver steam. For most household duties, you won’t need hot water, but if you want to get one, that hot water can certainly make a difference when you’re trying to get rid of a greasy substance.
None of the Dewalt line of washers uses hot water. While you can try to use water that’s already heated, it’s a bad idea to try to use hot water in a washer rated for cold water only. Cold water pressure washers won’t tolerate water that’s over 140 degrees F, and if you try to use hotter water, it will damage, if not destroy, a cold-water washer. You can try to use warm water, but you must be careful of the temperature. Your owner’s manual should state the maximum water temperature that it can handle.
Electric vs. Gas-Powered.
Electric – The electric models are designed for the average homeowner, who will only use his washer occasionally. Many homeowners find them fairly handy, as they are smaller than the gas-powered model and don’t take up as much space. They are also usually less expensive than gas-powered washers. This is because they use consumer-grade engines and pumps. However, they usually don’t last as long as the gas-powered models.
There is also the problem of portability. The use of these washers is limited by the location of the nearest electrical outlet. In addition, it’s not recommended to use an extension cord with a power washer. Using one can actually damage the machine and shorten its life. If your home is not equipped with outside electrical outlets, you’re going to find yourself in awkward situations.
Unfortunately, electric models aren’t made to be repaired. Once yours breaks down, you may as well toss it. If you only use a pressure washer a couple of times a month or to wash your car, you probably will get your use out of yours.
Gas-powered – The higher-pressure washers are more likely to be gas-powered. In addition to being more powerful, they last longer than electric models. This is because they have more heavy-duty parts, such as professional-grade pumps and engines. They also can be repaired.
If a part should bite the dust, such as a pump, it can be replaced, and you can go on. It also won’t be tied to a cord, so it’s easily portable, which is an important consideration when looking at jobs such as pressure washing your shed or home siding.
Some pressure washers are considered to be semi-professional grade washers, in between the consumer and professional grades. If you think you need something a bit more heavy-duty than most consumer-grade models, you can save money by getting one of these in-between models.
How to Choose a Dewalt Cordless Pressure Washer
If you want a pressure washer without the cord, you’ll need to get a gas-powered model. Which model you choose will depend on your intended uses for the washer and how often you intend to use it. Most household chores can be handled with a pressure washer rated at 2000 PSI or under, and an output of .5 to 2 GPM. Dewalt’s less powerful models are all electrically powered.
Of course, if you have vinyl or metal siding on your house or shed, you may need something that handles large jobs. Ask your supplier for advice to avoid getting a model that’s a bit too powerful for your intended use.
The gas-powered models are designed to be more powerful, starting at 3400 PSI and going up to 4400 PSI. These are the more professional models, but if you have some big jobs planned for your washer, or plan to use yours frequently, you may want to invest in one of these models. The typical homeowner won’t need the top of the line.
A model that outputs 2.5 GPM should be fine. Look closely at the various smaller features on the model, such as how it starts, the length of the included hose, and the controls. The wands are fairly standard across all the models, but there is a spray gun available that can be used with almost any high-pressure M22 or QC connection and can handle up to 4500 PSI. It’s really handy for long-lasting projects, as it has features to reduce hand fatigue.
There are also the power washers. These attach to your garden hose or have a hose that attaches to draw water from another source if your hose isn’t available. They run on the same 20V battery that powers many other Dewalt power tools.
While they aren’t quite as possible as the pressure washers, you’ll really know it if you spray yourself close to the nozzle. Dewalt’s power washer or power cleaner delivers up to 550 PSI, which will probably be fine for the average car wash, as well as cleaning other things. You can easily clean boats, patio furniture, and your deck with this tool.
Dewalt offers just one model in two choices. Both include a suction hose, four nozzles, and a soap bottle. The only difference is that one includes the tool and its accessories only, while the other includes the 20V battery and charger. As has been stated, the battery can also be used with any of Dewalt’s other power tools that take the 20V battery, so you’ll save money down the line by getting other tools that can utilize the same battery.
What’s a Dewalt Surface Cleaner?
This is a device that looks a little like a robot vacuum. It’s an 18-inch diameter cleaning head made to be used with a pressure washer. It’s great for garage floors and the like, as it cleans without getting anything wet that may be standing nearby. It also makes fast work of decks, patios and driveways. It features high-pressure rotating jets that don’t leave streaks. It’s made to be used with pressure washers rated up to 3400 PSI and is for use with cold water only.
No doubt, a power washer or pressure washer is a useful tool for almost any homeowner. The longer you own one, the more uses you’ll likely find for it. They make short work of so many tasks. If you’ve ever tried to scrub algae or that green stuff from your brick walls by hand, you’ll be surprised at the short work a pressure washer can make of the job. The only real drawback to having one of these pieces of equipment is that you may have a problem with your neighbors always trying to borrow yours.