This is one of the necessary things you must consider before building or buying a shed. If you need a permit, you’ll need to have…
When you’re searching for storage solutions for your shed, shelves are often the first thing that comes to mind. Putting up your own DIY plywood…
Sheds are mainly used for storage, and the longer you own your shed, the more things will find their way into the shed. Your shed…
Besides having a lot of stuff stored in your shed that just shouldn’t be in your house, or the shed handling the overflow, you will…
Many people who build a shed choose 3/4 plywood for the flooring because of it strength and ability to hold up under a lot of…
If you’ve bought a house, you may just hate the color of the asphalt roofing shingles. Or you may have a house or shed with…
If you are planning to build your own shed, planning to have a vapor barrier would greatly add to the longevity of your shed. If…
Plywood is probably the most common material used in shed flooring. It’s easy to work with, easy to cut, and doesn’t take half the time…
When you are going to build a shed, keep in mind that what you’re doing is building an entire small building. That will require all…
If you’re building your own shed, one of the things you might consider is a metal roof. Metal roofing can last up to 50 years,…